Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Is a pretty, sugary sweet, film. As disney's first animated movie, it's animation-hand drawn with technicolour- is pretty revolutionary, and quite similar to what you'd find today. It's detailed down to the last pixel, and those tiny little details (like the way the grass moves when things are moving through it) are what make it just like any movie. The only thing showing it was an old film were it's look- not exactly bright, bold, 3D flash, and the feel of the music and voices. (Do they have a feel anyway? Well, they somehow seemed dusty to me). But that just added to it's prettiness. Enough about that though, the most important thing when it comes to movie is... the story! Even though you have most probably heard the storyline, the silly humour and sweet story keep it interesting. The pleasant songs are great too.

The Movie: The Queen's greatest wish is to be the fairest in the land, and she will do what it takes, even killing her step-daughter the Princess Snow White. On this journey of the two most important characters we also meet the bumbling, silly dwarfs who were the real stars of the show to me. Though this is a princessy movie, the happily ever after is different from modern movies, in the sense that it last's less than a minute and is pretty simple.

You should watch it if: You want to see a princessy movie that is quite pretty to watch. You'll probably enjoy the little jokes and see how well the first ever movie was made! Watch it here.

Thanks for reading this! The next movie on the Disney list is Pinnochio.
Hey all:
* What is the Disney 50- me watching all 50 Disney Animated movies and reviewing them right here! (You'll find them on my personal blog too)
*When I made this blog, I found my original wanted site name taken! I checked out the site, and guess what, no posts yet. Whoever has made it has the same intention as mine, only they have a timeframe- 50 weeks. Me, I just want it done by 31 Dec 2011. Whether I watch 49 in a week or whatever, who cares! You can see the other site here. Not that there's anything to see...yet. Who knows, they might have just created it and could be updating anytime.
*Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Review is Done and can be read! :)
*Keep watching for more, or just click on the follow button to recieve the reveiws!